4 June 2008

Where's Everybody?

Today when Mr Lietze called the roll he discovered that 10 students were absent! Why is this?

Possible reasons are:
- We had Cross Country yesterday and everyone is tired today.
- It's Winter time and some are sick.
- Some are injured from the Cross Country yesterday.

This morning we are discussing ways to take care of ourselves.
Here are our "Guidelines for Staying Healthy":
1) Ask the Lord to keep us healthy.
2) Eats lots of fruit and veges.
3) Go to sleep early at night.
4) Wash your hands with soap.
5) Keep warm.
6) Keep fit by doing fitness each day.

1 comment:

Jane Ross said...

Hi E3,
I'm Mrs. Jane from Indonesia. I wanted to tell you more about the baby owl that I was looking after. I decided to let it go because it was able to fly around my kitchen. It was also very hard to keep hunting for lizards and other insects as the owl would only eat live food. My class is still trying to find out what owl it is but one student Riam http://saywhatriam.blogspot.com/2008/04/my-baby-owl.html says that he thinks it is called a Brown Eagle Owl. I will let you know when I find out for sure. It's a little hard here because the local people in this area don't speak Indonesian, they speak Sundanese.